Our Sangha

Buddhism for everyone

The Jōdo Shinshū tradition is based in the writings of Shinran Shōnin (1173-1263), a Japanese Buddhist monk who redefined Buddhism by making it easier and more accessible for ordinary people. This is a form of Buddhism that can be practised in the middle of our daily lives, without having to withdraw from the world, or from our working or family life. Jōdo Shinshū does not require anybody to do difficult or ascetic practices.

The key is listening to the dharma

Rennyo Shōnin (1415-1499), one of the most significant Dharma successors of Shinran Shōnin wrote about the importance of listening to the Dharma in a certain mindset: 1) As if we listened to the teaching for the first time, 2) as if its message was solely addressed to us and 3) as if this was the last chance we got to listen about Buddhism.

You are welcome

Everyone is welcome. Our UK community runs regular meet ups in person and online led by our team of ordained Jōdo Shinshū Hongwanji-ha priests.

Our meetings are a space for us to meet, study the dharma, connect with each other and learn, following the doctrine and practice of the Hongwanji-ha school.

Compilation of our latest clips

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Discovering the Northen Islands
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